About Bear Bait Honey.

Bear Bait Honey is a family owned and operated business based in southwest Calgary, Alberta. My mother had several beehives when I was young, and I have good memories of tagging along while she tended to her hives on an acreage just south of Calgary. I started out as a hobbyist beekeeper in 2015 and have enjoyed some success and many setbacks since then. Two of my first hives were destroyed by a bear – hence the name ‘Bear Bait Honey’. I’ve been stung more times than I care to remember.

Every time I get stung, I stop and remember the words of Reverend Langstroth (the fellow who invented the modern moveable frames system of beekeeping that we still use today) who said that if you’re stung by a bee, you have to ask yourself what did you do wrong. Invariably, it’s because I’ve taken a shortcut and paid the price. But beekeeping is about more than being stung. There’s the endless fascination of looking at a frame of honey crawling with bees who are just going about their business. I never get tired of that.

My family and I are constantly inspired and amazed by bees. We’ve tried to pass this on through the images, information and wise words of beekeepers and writers who have also been inspired by bees. You’ll find information on this site about how to buy our honey, but you’ll also find lots of great information and memorable pictures all dedicated to bees and honey.

Thanks for supporting our business.

Herman Van Reekum